Sunday, October 20, 2013

I'm baaaack....

I know, it's been a while since I last wrote. It's been a long few months full of change and growth. My little dude had his first birthday!

Since then, we've experienced walking, weaning, molars, solid foods, running, climbing, words, tantrums and all around adorableness. My sister-in-law who has been staying with us and helping out with the baby and housework has started a full time job outside of the house which means more responsibility is on my shoulders. I don't mind taking care of the house, the baby and working from home part time, but it doesn't leave time for too much else! I think I'm finally hitting a good groove where I'm not just trying to keep my head above water.

One of my last posts was about my success with the Trim Healthy Mama diet. My total loss was 30 lbs, 10 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight! Hooray! I feel very happy in my own skin. I think some women find themselves unhappy with their post pregnancy bodies, but it's been very liberating for me. I'm amazed that my body was able to grow another human so now I revel in all my imperfections - it may not be my ideal in all aspects, but gosh darn it, it's pretty amazing!

Playing off my success with weight loss, I've gotten hooked on a fashion app, Poshmark. It's been pretty amazing to be able to sell off some of my old clothes and buy new stuff. Once I depleted my own closet, I've had a great time shopping sales and consignment stores for items to sell. I'm not trying to make a lot of money on this as a side business, mostly it's just a couple dollars profit, but the enjoyment of being able to shop for clothes and basically get paid for it is really great! Cue my new fashion obsession....J. Crew!

At a local consignment store, I've come across a lot of gems for myself too. One being the J. Crew Swiss Dot Tippi sweater.

Swiss Dot Tippi

Gorgeous!! And best yet? It retails for $138 and I paid a measly $12 for it!

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