Thursday, January 31, 2013

How to Plan a Memorable Party

Party fails. We've all experienced them. You know, the ones where you're sitting on a couch with a couple people you're only semi-acquainted with but they all seem to know each other well? There's a bowl of generic, mildly stale chips on the table next to a questionably orange bowl of queso and you're lactose intolerant. After a few awkward glances out of the corner of your eye you make contact with someone and you ask an uninteresting yes or no question which leaves you with a monosyllabic answer and no follow-up. Or, worse yet, you're the one throwing this monstrosity. As a host, how can you ensure that the party you're throwing is memorable for all the right reasons?

1). Set a theme: This can be as simple as Birthday Party or Movie Night but having a clear picture in your mind is key to all the other steps.

2). Know your guests: Who have you invited? Do they all know each other? If they all know each other then you probably don't have to worry about those awkward conversations about the weather. If you've invited people from a few of your friend groups, make sure you think about some conversations starters involving things that your guests might have in common (besides yourself, of course). Sometimes just breaking the ice with a little fact of commonality is all people need to strike up an enjoyable conversation.

3). Plan an interesting menu: Anyone can lay out chips and dip so be thoughtful about what you want to serve. Is there something that goes along well with your theme? Even if you're not a good cook or don't like to make things from scratch, there are so many options at your grocery store that can be heated up or combined together with just a little imagination. I've thrown a S'mores party and instead of just offering graham crackers, marshmallows and Hershey bars, I tossed in mini snickers bars, specialty chili chocolate bars, chocolate with sea salt, crushed pineapple, and maraschino cherries.

4). Plan your drink menu: Is alcohol appropriate for the guest you've invited? Beer or wine is great to have on hand, but what about a specialty cocktail? Have two options and make them ahead of time so all your guest have to do is pour it into their glass (unless you want to play bartender which is also a fun party trick). Another option would be to write out recipe cards for the drink options so that your guest can make one up themselves. I threw a Movie Night party where the feature film was Casablanca. I had three difference gin cocktail recipes written out and people had a great time trying them out, especially when it went right along with the movie! Make sure you also have something fun to drink for those who might not want alcohol. Can the cocktails be made virgin? Always make sure you have a pitcher of water out as well.

5). Plan some activities: Sometimes activities aren't necessary. If everyone's talking, laughing, having fun then don't stop that momentum. Go with it. But in case you start to sense a lull, make sure you have some back-up options that you can introduce to get people connected again. Party games on the Wii are great. Multi-player board games like Pictionary, Gestures, or Balderdash can also get big laughs. If you plan some options ahead of time you'll be able to move seamlessly.

So above all, plan, plan, plan and be creative!

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