Monday, February 4, 2013

Tips & Tricks: Dutch Ovens

Dutch Ovens. No, not that gross thing males do involving farting, bed sheets and their poor, unfortunate significant other. I'm talking about those glorious, cast iron vessels, usable on the stove top and in the oven. Capable of transforming mere toughest piece of meat into a slow cooked, fall apart tender morsel worthy of song.

"They're expensive," you say. I know. But they really are worth it. Ask for one on your next birthday. Or for Christmas. Or for Valentines Day. Or Mother's Day. Or you anniversary. See? That's five opportunities in one year for you to have someone else get it for you!

 Cast iron isn't a good conductor of heat so it'll take a while to heat up but that also means it will retain it well. Use it to braise meat, simmer stews and soups, deep fry whatever your heart desires and slow cook anything you normally would in a crock pot.

Here's a sampling of dutch ovens for your drooling pleasure and here is a good overview of 5 different brands to help you make your choice.

Also, here are some recipes you can make in your brand new dutch oven:

Braised Organic Lamb & Beans

Pumpkin Steel Cut Oats

Barbecue Pork Sandwiches

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