Monday, February 4, 2013

Tips & Tricks: Fresh Lemons

How many times has this happened to you? You find a recipe that you really want to try out and it calls for lemon zest. You think maybe if you just add a little extra from that bottle of lemon juice you have in the fridge... but no! you are going to do it right, gosh darn it! So you go to the store and now you're hit with a difficult decision. You see you can buy two large lemons for $2 or a whole bag of smaller lemons for $2. If you're anything like me, you want to get the most bang for your buck so you get the bag, not knowing what you're going to do with all those extra lemons. And most likely, all but the lemon you used for the recipe ends up going bad and you toss them. Sigh.

Now here's the trick to buying a bag of lemons. Freeze them! Whenever you come across a recipe that calls for lemon zest, march right over to your freezer, pull out a lemon and zest away!

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