Friday, February 8, 2013

Apple Pie Oatmeal

With Storm Nemo sending its swirling swath of snow our way, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to try out this recipe that I unearthed on one of my all time favorite food blogs, Closet Cooking.

It's not too late for you to start this baby going in your own kitchen tonight. I'm sure you already have everything you need in your pantry.

It's everything you love about apple pie, mixed into a slowly baked oatmeal.

My crock pot has a tendency to set things at a rapid boil so until I get myself a new one with a little bit better temperature gauge, I'm sticking to my dutch oven.

I'm going to simmer mine on low on the stove top for three hours.

Follow the link for the recipe for Slow Cooker Apple Pie Oatmeal

Here's what Kevin's final product looks like:

Now, don't you want to look forward to that in the morning?

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